Past Life Regression without hypnosis: Soul detective and its benefits in understanding your trama and healing it.
September 15, 2024
Discovering the Soul Detective Within You In a world where mental health and spiritual well-being are gaining the attention they
What is hypnotherapy?
September 14, 2024
Are you tired of feeling trapped by anxiety or struggling to quit smoking or trying to loose weight? Hypnotherapy could

What is Integrated Energy Therapy (IET)?
July 2, 2024
What Is Integrated Energy Therapy (IET)? Can you be trained to do Integrated Energy Therapy? So many people are wondering

How Reiki Can Contribute to Your Mental Wellness and Stress Management
December 9, 2023
Reiki, a holistic healing technique, has garnered significant attention for its remarkable impact on mental wellness and stress management. This

To Combine or Not to Combine – Should I do Reiki and Massage on the Same Day?
August 12, 2023
Are you one of those people who’s always been curious about Reiki or massage but never made the leap? Or

Why Meditation is Important for Your Physical and Mental Health
July 14, 2023
Meditation is an ancient practice dating back thousands of years and it’s been gaining a lot of traction in recent