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About Rene

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My Story

About Rene D'Antona

Hello! My name is Rene D’Antona, and I am grateful that you have chosen to visit Five Elements Energy Therapies to learn more about Reiki and other energy therapies. Whether you’re seeking information or want to schedule an appointment, I’m delighted that you’ve come to us.

My journey with energy therapy began two decades ago when The Balance Health and Wellness Center was established. At that time, I was a teacher and eventually became the Insurance Manager of the center and my academic credentials consist of a Bachelor’s degree and three Master’s degrees. Working alongside Joseph and witnessing the development of one of Long Island’s most successful holistic medical practices taught me the importance of aligning and balancing the body’s energies, as well as the essential aspects of building a holistic medical practice that treats the whole person rather than just the symptoms. I learned how blockages, which can be cleared through reiki, acupuncture, and massage. This knowledge sparked my interest in and commitment to energy therapies.

My personal journey with energy therapies began as a patient. Acupuncture and massage helped alleviate my neck pain, recurring migraines, and other minor ailments. The most significant impact, however, was on my fertility. Through the use of herbs and acupuncture, I was able to enhance the IVF process and ultimately conceive our twins, Nicholas and Alexa.

My Story

Transformative Energy Wellness Journey

However, there was still a missing component. Although the physical blockages and stagnation in my system were cleared, I needed to work on my overall energy and emotional well-being. This led me to incorporate Reiki, meditation, and IET® therapies. Through these practices, I discovered the mental alignment I had been seeking. They provided me with the clarity to envision what I wanted, to create it, and to realize that I deserved it. It was truly a game changer. It was due to these factors that I became a Reiki and IET® practitioner and founded Five Elements Energy Therapies. I finally found myself in the field where I was meant to be. Seeing how these therapies helped me tap into my unlimited potential, relieved my anxiety and depression, and propelled me to become a better version of myself, I was inspired to share these benefits with others.

I am incredibly thankful and grateful to work within The Balance Health and Wellness Center. Without Joseph D’Antona’s guidance, I wouldn’t be in the positive state I am today, both mentally and physically. His expertise as a holistic practitioner and his unwavering support as my loving husband have allowed me to pursue every endeavor I’ve ever dreamed of. I owe him everything and express my deepest appreciation for helping me manifest Five Elements Energy Therapies.

We are excited to assist you in finding your balance, and we are confident that Five Elements Energy Therapies can help you achieve your goals.

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View Our Packages

Single 60 Min reiki Session


This is a 60-minute Reiki session. The session begins with a check-in to understand how you’re feeling, followed by a brief discussion. During the session, you will receive 40 minutes of active treatment, concluding with a few minutes for you to relax and absorb the benefits of the treatment. This time also allows us to connect and discuss your session. 

Five - 60 Minute Reiki Sessions


This a pack of our 60-minute Reiki sessions.  This gives you a savings of 10% on each of the Reiki sessions and must be purchased as a pack.   Each of the sessions begins with a check-in to understand how you’re feeling, followed by a brief discussion. During the session, you will receive 40 minutes of active treatment, concluding with a few minutes for you to relax and absorb the benefits of the treatment. This time also allows us to connect and discuss your session.



This includes a 60 minute Reiki Session, a 60 minute massage and an acupuncture treatment. With this combination treatment  you receive the benefits of the energy release of the Reiki treatment followed up by a therapeutic acupuncture treatment and finishing with a therapeutic massage that helps release the toxins from your muscles.



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Embrace ancient wisdom fused with modern techniques, and together,
let’s revolutionize well-being for countless souls around the world.
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