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About Soul Detective - Past Life Regression

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What is Past Life Regession and How Can it Help Me?

Past life regression is a powerful therapeutic technique that guides you through the exploration of your past lives. It allows you to retrieve memories from previous incarnations, offering insights into personal challenges and a deeper understanding of your path in this life.

Using the Soul Detective method or exploring your past lives, you won’t just observe—you’ll understand and release the trauma holding you back. This approach helps participants recognize how past life experiences and traumas have carried over into the present. Through guided sessions, you’ll be empowered to let go of past life issues and move forward in this life

What is Soul Dective?

The term “Soul Detective” might sound like something out of a fantasy novel, but it has profound roots in spiritual and psychological healing practices. At its core, Soul Detective work is about exploring the hidden layers of the psyche, seeking out unresolved emotional pain that may be affecting one’s mental and physical health.

This form of past life regression therapy developed by holistic psychologist Barbara Stone. It combines elements of traditional past-life regression with cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques and energy psychology.

It aims to help individuals release energetic blockages and unresolved emotions from past lives that may be affecting their current life. It also incorporates the belief that soul wounds can be carried over lifetimes, and addressing them can lead to healing on a deeper level.

Early practitioners understood that trauma isn’t just a psychological issue; it’s a spiritual one as well. The practice seeks to address the soul’s wounds, acknowledging that healing must take place at multiple levels.

By weaving together these diverse threads of knowledge, we aim to empower individuals to take an active role in their healing process. This framework not only provides insight into the nature of one’s suffering but also offers tangible steps for moving forward.

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Wlaking through your past lives in wth the sould dective method to heal past traumas.
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Past Life Regression without hypnosis

How does it work?

Unlike traditional past-life regression, Soul Detective does not involve hypnosis or a trance-like state. Instead, practitioners use muscle testing – a technique used in kinesiology – to access information from the subconscious mind.

The practitioner will ask the client specific questions about their past lives while holding onto one of their muscles. If the muscle weakens, it is believed to indicate a positive response, meaning the information being accessed is accurate.

What can be achieved with Soul Detective?

Soul Detective can help individuals gain insight into their current life challenges and patterns. By accessing past life memories, they can understand the origins of these issues and work towards resolving them.

In addition to emotional healing, many people also report feeling a sense of peace and closure after a session. Some may even experience physical healing as unresolved emotions from past lives are released.

More about Soul Detective here.


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